Tuesday, March 9, 2010

3 day old dr. visit

we were released from the hospital with london at about 11:30am on sunday morning. because we were released less than 30 hours after her birth, we had to bring her back to the dr. with 24-48 hours to check her for jaundice as it doesn't show up so early.
i called and made an appointment with our dr., dr. newcombe, for today. we brought talan over to mom and dad's and then headed to the dr. with london.
when the nurse called us back she told us that this was the first london she has had. great news for us! she then asked what our other kid's names were. as we were on our way out of the office, she walked by us and said that it was official, the nurses loved all of our kids names.
we brought london into the room and they weighed and measured her. she was born weighing 7 pounds 7 ounces and when we left the hospital she was only down to 7 pounds 6 ounces. at this visit she was back up to her birth weight 7# 7.4 ounces...exactly what she weighed when she was born, dave said. the nurse told us she might be the only baby she has ever had that has been back to her birth weight at the first visit. well, london seems to LOVE to eat, so gaining that extra ounce back wasn't too hard for her!
dr. newcombe came in and checked her out and everything looks great. we just need to try our best to keep her away from talan as he came down with a horrible cold the day we brought her home...and from there, the rest of the house came down with a scratchy throat and congestion. what a welcome home for london!
we made an appointment to bring her in for her 2 week check up on monday, march 22. we'll post an update after that appointment as well!

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