Sunday, March 14, 2010

1 week

london avery is 1 week and 1 day old already. in other words, about time for her first official bear portrait.
so far london has been just about the perfect baby. her first nite in the hospital, she slept from about midnite until 4am. unfortunately, our first nite home she was up and wanting to be fed every 2 hours. however, ever since that nite she has give us at least one 4 hour stretch of sleep every nite if not 2.
i still don't think she's ever even REALLY cried. she usually just gives us a few squawks to let us know she's ready for a bottle and that's about it. if she's not hungry, and she's not sleeping, she'll just lay there looking around very pleasant like.
she tends to eat about every 2 hours during the day but usually goes right back to sleep when she's done eating. she takes her last bottle at nite anywhere form about 10:30-11:30 and then sleeps until about 3 or 4am.
she doesn't burp easily ~ in fact she rarely burps at all (NOT her mother's child!) but the dr. said many babies don't start burping well until after 2 i'll work on it with her.
hayden adores her and his face lights up when he sees her> talan has been good with her too, although i'm still nervous to leave him alone in a room with her!
so far she has easily fit right into our family an we feel so blessed to have her. i only hope she feels the same way!

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