Monday, March 22, 2010

2 week check up

today i took london in to see dr. newcombe for her 2 week check up. she was born at 7 pounds 7 ounces, left the hospital the next day weighing 7 pounds 6 ounces and at her two day check up she was back up to her birth weight.
this morning i asked dave what he thought she would weigh today and he guessed 8 pounds 3 ounces. well, he was just an ounce off as she weighed in at 8 pounds 4 ounces.
the dr. came in and said "well, she's had a good weight gain. and then some!" she said everything was looking great with her and we don't need to bring her back until she is 2 months.
i talked with her about some questions we were having. we had one day last week where london didn't poop for over 24 hours. and now when she poops it's usually once, maybe twice a day and very runny (too much info?!). she said that was no problem and some babies are just like that. she is gassy quite often but so far the mylecon drops seem to work for her.
we also were wondering about her feeding. she has been eating 2 ounces, and once that 2 ounces is gone she's still acting like she is starving. but when we've given her another 2 ounce bottle shortly after eating it she'll either spit up or she'll start gagging. the dr. said she may be ready to make the jump to eating more, but her stomach isn't. so we need to just give her 2 1/2 or 3 ounces at a time and go from there. she did say we could try a 4 ounce bottle at bedtime to try to really fill her up so she sleeps well.
as far as sleeping goes, she is great. we woke up this morning to her wanting a bottle at 5:30...she had slept 6 hours!!! most nites she still sleeps somewhere between 4-5 hours at a time. the only problem is, once you feed her you can't just lay her down right away. i usually have to sit up and rock her until she is completely asleep before laying her back down, otherwise she'll just wake right up and start crying. so a feeding might only take about 5-10 minutes, but i end up staying up for a half hour to an hour trying her to get back to sleep so that i can! but i guess how can i complain that much when she does sleep for such long periods at such a young age!
the other thing i learned that i screwed up on was the bath. apparently, just because the cord feel off doesn't mean she can have a bath in a tub. the skin has not completely healed yet, so we need to give her sponge baths until it does. oops. sorry about that, london!

Sunday, March 21, 2010

london's new room

so for 2 weeks we have graciously allowed london to sleep in the pack and play next to our bed. we only let hayden sleep in our room for a couple of nites and had to kick him out because he was such a noisy sleeper.
london has been pretty quiet and it was just easier to fill up bottles and put them in our room. then when she woke up we'd just roll out of bed and feed her.
well, because our room is so tiny, it was pretty cramped with the pack and play in there. so tonite we decided to move her into her own room.
just several weeks ago talan was in that crib jumping around and climbing out and now london is in it. and boy does she ever look small in there!

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

photo shoot

the entire family was able to gather at mom and dad's today to hang out and have a regular 'ol mexican fiesta. since i knew i'd be surrounded by photographers i decided to pack a few outfits so that london could have an official photo session. i took just a few pictures while i let the pros do the real work.

apparently she thought she was going for the cover of maxim:

fully clothed in a....DRESS!:

Sunday, March 14, 2010

1 week

london avery is 1 week and 1 day old already. in other words, about time for her first official bear portrait.
so far london has been just about the perfect baby. her first nite in the hospital, she slept from about midnite until 4am. unfortunately, our first nite home she was up and wanting to be fed every 2 hours. however, ever since that nite she has give us at least one 4 hour stretch of sleep every nite if not 2.
i still don't think she's ever even REALLY cried. she usually just gives us a few squawks to let us know she's ready for a bottle and that's about it. if she's not hungry, and she's not sleeping, she'll just lay there looking around very pleasant like.
she tends to eat about every 2 hours during the day but usually goes right back to sleep when she's done eating. she takes her last bottle at nite anywhere form about 10:30-11:30 and then sleeps until about 3 or 4am.
she doesn't burp easily ~ in fact she rarely burps at all (NOT her mother's child!) but the dr. said many babies don't start burping well until after 2 i'll work on it with her.
hayden adores her and his face lights up when he sees her> talan has been good with her too, although i'm still nervous to leave him alone in a room with her!
so far she has easily fit right into our family an we feel so blessed to have her. i only hope she feels the same way!

london's first real bath

knowing how much i hate the umbilical cord, london graciously lost hers in record breaking time. on march 11th, just 5 days old, i noticed it was gone when i was changing her late that evening.
to celebrate the occasion, on march 14th we gave london her first real bath. she cried for just a minute after we put her in the water and then she calmed down and chewed on her fist for the rest of the time.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

3 day old dr. visit

we were released from the hospital with london at about 11:30am on sunday morning. because we were released less than 30 hours after her birth, we had to bring her back to the dr. with 24-48 hours to check her for jaundice as it doesn't show up so early.
i called and made an appointment with our dr., dr. newcombe, for today. we brought talan over to mom and dad's and then headed to the dr. with london.
when the nurse called us back she told us that this was the first london she has had. great news for us! she then asked what our other kid's names were. as we were on our way out of the office, she walked by us and said that it was official, the nurses loved all of our kids names.
we brought london into the room and they weighed and measured her. she was born weighing 7 pounds 7 ounces and when we left the hospital she was only down to 7 pounds 6 ounces. at this visit she was back up to her birth weight 7# 7.4 ounces...exactly what she weighed when she was born, dave said. the nurse told us she might be the only baby she has ever had that has been back to her birth weight at the first visit. well, london seems to LOVE to eat, so gaining that extra ounce back wasn't too hard for her!
dr. newcombe came in and checked her out and everything looks great. we just need to try our best to keep her away from talan as he came down with a horrible cold the day we brought her home...and from there, the rest of the house came down with a scratchy throat and congestion. what a welcome home for london!
we made an appointment to bring her in for her 2 week check up on monday, march 22. we'll post an update after that appointment as well!

Saturday, March 6, 2010

welcome, london avery!

on saturday, march 6, 2010 at 5:34am, we welcomed baby girl, london avery skiver, into our family. she weighed in at 7 pounds, 7 ounces and was 21 1/2" long.
check out bloggersatmybabies for the full birth story.
welcome, baby london! we're so happy that you're here!