Wednesday, July 21, 2010

first solid food (if you call runny cereal solid)

feeding a baby food just isn't that much fun the 2nd and 3rd time around. i mean, it was still a camera worthy event and exciting to an extent, but really, i'm not all that fond of the mess and time feedings take. bottles are just so much easier. however, we figured since she is over 4 months now, it's probably time to start her on baby cereal.
so this evening we broke out the camera, and video camera and gave london her first taste of oatmeal cereal. she seemed to like it but isn't so great at getting a ton of it in her mouth. then she liked to take breaks in between spoonfuls to put her hand in her mouth. cereal and drool were everywhere.

dave called the boys up to watch the production, something i was planning on waiting until the end simply to avoid a bunch of chaos. but it ended up working out well since hayden was there to video tape while i took pictures and dave fed her. it really didn't excite the boys too much, so after a bit they headed back downstairs and london finished her cereal in peace.
hopefully she'll be a little less messy when veggie time rolls around.

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