Monday, July 26, 2010

BACK to sleep, london, BACK!!!

apparently london missed the memo in which it talks about how babies should sleep. which is on their BACK. either that, or she's just fighting the system. here is how i've been finding her recently:

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

first solid food (if you call runny cereal solid)

feeding a baby food just isn't that much fun the 2nd and 3rd time around. i mean, it was still a camera worthy event and exciting to an extent, but really, i'm not all that fond of the mess and time feedings take. bottles are just so much easier. however, we figured since she is over 4 months now, it's probably time to start her on baby cereal.
so this evening we broke out the camera, and video camera and gave london her first taste of oatmeal cereal. she seemed to like it but isn't so great at getting a ton of it in her mouth. then she liked to take breaks in between spoonfuls to put her hand in her mouth. cereal and drool were everywhere.

dave called the boys up to watch the production, something i was planning on waiting until the end simply to avoid a bunch of chaos. but it ended up working out well since hayden was there to video tape while i took pictures and dave fed her. it really didn't excite the boys too much, so after a bit they headed back downstairs and london finished her cereal in peace.
hopefully she'll be a little less messy when veggie time rolls around.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

4 month check up

today we went to see dr. newcombe for london's 4 month check up.
everything looks great and she seems to be a big girl!
today she weighed in at 14 pounds 6 ounces which puts her in the 75%. she was 25 3/4 inches long which puts her in the 90%.
the dr. told us we can give her cereal at any time now and we don't need to come back until she is 6 months.

waiting for the dr.:
her stats:

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

4 months

today london avery turns 4 months old.
london continues to be the best baby EVER. she is pretty much always happy and she's a terrific sleeper. what more could we ask for?!
she still is just taking 4 ounces of formula at a feeding and is eating about every 2-3 hours. she takes her last bottle around 9:30 and then will sleep through the nite waking up somewhere between 7 and 9 on most mornings. now if only we could get the boys to sleep in like that!
she still only takes short little cat naps throughout the day, but i'll keep that if it means she continues sleeping so well at nite!
she went into a pool for the very first time this month and she loved it. she could have just floated around for hours i think.
she is talking more and more these days, and sometimes when she gets going she doesn't stop! she often likes to start this in the evening while we are watching tv. she gets so loud that you can't even hear over her. but it's the cutest thing you'll ever hear. she also will talk back and forth to you which is the greatest.
she is very attentive to things and will follow you around the room, just laying and silently watching you. she seems very curious as to everything that goes on around her.
she has been rolling all the way over on her side but didn't finally roll all the way over onto her stomach until just the other day. she rolled over for the first time on july 2nd. and ever since she's done it once she just keeps on doing it. however, she is still not a fan of being on her stomach for long and she still doesn't roll back over to her back, so once she rolls to her stomach, it's not long before she starts getting unhappy.
she still enjoys her bouncer seat and has really liked the boppy pillow as well. we never had a boppy pillow with the boys but someone recently gave me their old one and london has thought it is great!
at the end of the month london has really been reaching out and grabbing objects. she will hold and play with a rattle when we give it to her. she really concentrates on grabbing things, especially when she's laying under her play gym. she'll try to reach up and grab the toys hanging above her. it's been cool to watch her progress with this. she's getting to the point where she wants to play with toys and can actually do it.
she still loves to be swaddled and it's the only way she'll really sleep. she still loves her baths and water. she loves being held, but she also loves just laying on the floor. she loves to talk. she loves her brothers...especially hayden who can make her smile like nobody else can.
we still really can't find too many things she doesn't like. mostly being on her stomach and sleeping during the day. she also still isn't that fond of her swing. but that's really about it.
i just can't believe london is already 4 months old. she has been such a wonderful addition to this mad house. we're really hoping she stays this calm and happy!
we love you so much, london! happy 4 months!!!