Monday, June 7, 2010

3 month pictures

unbelievably, it is time for london's 3 month pictures already! so this morning i decided to take her and talan to babies r us so we could get it taken care of. i figured she would be pretty easy. she woke up around 9 so i fed her, changed her and we were out the door.
they got a few good pictures, and then she started to fuss. turns out, she likes a morning nap shortly after waking up in the morning. this is something i pretty much know, but didn't really even think about. after sleeping the entire nite, i just forgot she wants to sleep even more!
thankfully, they weren't busy so i was able to hold her and let her fall asleep in my arms for awhile as we walked around the store. a bit later, she woke up and we headed right back over as she's usually nice and smiley after waking up from a cat nap. again, they got a few more good pictures and then she got fussy again.
this is my good baby...what is happening?!
ah yes, at this point, it was time to eat again. so we took yet another little break so i could give her a bottle. and once that was finished, she was good to go. she even let them pose her laying on her stomach....something she wasn't have ANY of earlier!
thankfully mom had told me she'd meet me up there to help watch talan. something i wasn't planning on as i figured we'd be in and out fairly quickly. talan actually was great but it was still a long 2 1/2 hour ordeal! so thank you mom for helping out and for me taking half of your day!!!
in the end, the pictures turned out great. hopefully i'll pay more attention to her schedule when she's 6 months and we won't run into these kinds of problems!

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