Saturday, June 19, 2010

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Monday, June 7, 2010

3 month pictures

unbelievably, it is time for london's 3 month pictures already! so this morning i decided to take her and talan to babies r us so we could get it taken care of. i figured she would be pretty easy. she woke up around 9 so i fed her, changed her and we were out the door.
they got a few good pictures, and then she started to fuss. turns out, she likes a morning nap shortly after waking up in the morning. this is something i pretty much know, but didn't really even think about. after sleeping the entire nite, i just forgot she wants to sleep even more!
thankfully, they weren't busy so i was able to hold her and let her fall asleep in my arms for awhile as we walked around the store. a bit later, she woke up and we headed right back over as she's usually nice and smiley after waking up from a cat nap. again, they got a few more good pictures and then she got fussy again.
this is my good baby...what is happening?!
ah yes, at this point, it was time to eat again. so we took yet another little break so i could give her a bottle. and once that was finished, she was good to go. she even let them pose her laying on her stomach....something she wasn't have ANY of earlier!
thankfully mom had told me she'd meet me up there to help watch talan. something i wasn't planning on as i figured we'd be in and out fairly quickly. talan actually was great but it was still a long 2 1/2 hour ordeal! so thank you mom for helping out and for me taking half of your day!!!
in the end, the pictures turned out great. hopefully i'll pay more attention to her schedule when she's 6 months and we won't run into these kinds of problems!

Sunday, June 6, 2010

3 months

london avery turned 3 months today. i still like to say it in weeks because it makes her sound that much younger. it is always shocking how quickly a month goes by when you have a baby.
london continues to give talan a run for his money in the most amazing baby ever category. she continues to sleep through the nite and i don't even know when the last time was that i had to get up with her. i think there may have been once a couple of weeks ago but it was only because she had gotten out of her swaddling blanket. once she was wrapped back up, she went right back to sleep.
she usually takes her last bottle around 9:30 and then goes right to sleep. if she doesn't fall alseep at the end of the bottle, we can lay her down in her crib under her mobile and she'll just lay in there quietly watching until she does fall asleep. it varies on when she wakes up in the morning, sometimes 7 or 7:30 but most recently it's been about 9am each morning. so yeah, best baby ever.
she does want to be swaddled to sleep, which is why she sleeps through the nite. she still usually only takes cap naps during the day, but one day when she was really tired i swaddled her and she slept for quite awhile. she only woke up because unswaddled her so she didn't sleep the entire afternoon and mess up our evening! i've done that a couple of times now and each time, as soon as you unwrap her, she wakes up within minutes. talan was over 6 months before he would sleep without being swaddled, so who knows how long she'll go this way!
she is still only taking 4 ounces at a feeding. during the day she eats anywhere from every 2-3 hours. i feel like maybe she should be taking a bit more and going longer, but i'm not messing with the schedule that we have! lately she's even been leaving 1/2 ounce to 1 ounce in her bottle on a somewhat regular basis. but she is growing, so no worries here!
she still hasn't rolled over, but she's always wiggling and moving around. it's about time to start buckling her into her bouncy seat as she can almost push herself out of it now. she loves laying on her back, and many times if she's fussing while holding her you can just lay her down and she'll happy right up. her stomach is another issue, however. she'll lay there for a bit but not long after she'll be fussing and want to roll back over to her back.
london gives tons of smiles and loves to talk. if you coo at her, she'll do it right back over and over again. they are the cutest little noises ever. she has even almost given a laugh a few times. one time was just the other day. while we were at the bus stop waiting for hayden to come home, london was watching talan jump around and she was just smiling away and then gave a little half laugh.
london just loves her brothers. she loves watching them and just gives them loads of smiles. and thankfully, they love her too and they are both always smothering her with hugs. talan can be heard on a regular basis saying things like "i love you, london. your my best baby sister. you are so beautiful london." it is one of the greatest things to hear. and hayden still has so love in his voice when he comes over and starts talking to her. he gives her kisses and hugs all of the time and loves to talk to her and get her to smile. hayden is also a huge help in the car with her. he sits right behind her and if she starts fussing, he will start moving the mirror that is on the seat for her to look at so that she'll start smiling again.
she's gotten more into watching things on the tv at times and seems to like to lay on her back and look up and back towards the tv. she'll sit there looking at people like that too and will just start talking away at them.
london still likes taking her baths. she still calms down as soon as you start changing her. she loves looking up at her mobile both in her crib and her carseat. she loves a good car ride and it usually still puts her right to sleep. she loves looking in her elmo mirror in the car. she loves laying on her back. she loves laying under her play gym. she loves talking and smiling.
london hates being on her stomach for more than a few minutes. she doesn't really care for her swing. she also has gradually started liking her bouncer seat less and less. she just prefers to be held or laid down. she doesn't like sleeping when she's not swaddled.
london continues to be a happy, easy going baby. she seems to have adjusted to this crazy family and i know we have all adjusted to her being here as well. we can't hardly remember her not being here and she's already added so much more to the family.
while i look forward to her new accomplishments each month, i just wish time would slow down a bit. i know far too well how quickly they grow and i just want her to stay a baby a little while longer than the boys did! and here i used to hate babies!
we love you so much, little london! happy 3 months!!!

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

london's first swim

today london went to bev and todd's pool for her very first swim. jessica and justin were there along with the whole gregg family. unfortunately, hayden had school so he had to miss out this time. talan had a fun time, although he was nervous and it didn't get any better after he fell off the raft and went under water. he pretty much just wanted to hang out on the steps of the pool. hopefully he'll get better with it as the summer goes on.
london loves her baths, so she was just fine in the pool. she remains totally chill, so she just kinda hung out and didn't care whether she was floating or sitting in the water. she really needs to work on that tan though! that girl is WHITE!

london ready for a day at the pool:
london and asher:
talan loading up:
justin and talan:
london likes her hands:
isaac and talan taking a lunch break:
london and justin:
jessica and london:
london casually floatin':
london and asher. doesn't she know she's not gonna get tan if she's laying in the SHADE?!:
jessica and london:
what can i say? she had to go: