Friday, May 7, 2010

2 month check up

today i took talan in for his 3 year check-up and london for her 2 month check-up. dave left work early and thankfully met us up at the dr.'s office to help me out. i was a little worried having to go in with (talan) the 2 youngest by myself! but talan ended up behaving pretty well. but it still was nice to have dave there for some backup!
london did really well and looks healthy and strong. she ended up having to get 3 shots and one oral vaccine which she drank down with no real problems.
the first shot they gave her, she let out a little cry. but right when she thought it was all over, she got stuck 2 more times. then she screamed. for a little while. she did finish crying before we headed to check-out, but earlier this evening she started screaming in pain again. she was hysterical and wouldn't even take her bottle. once the tylenol got in her, she calmed down and has been fine ever since. but it was a rough one for her for a little bit!
london ended up weighing in at 11 pound 3 ounces which puts her in the 50-75th% and was 23 3/8 inches long which puts her in the 75th-90th%. so she's doing just fine!!!
her next appointment isn't until she's 4 months.

ready for the dr....she has no idea what is in store for her:

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