Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Saturday, April 24, 2010

sleeping beauty

just as talan did, london really likes to be swaddled in order to sleep. she doesn't sleep great during the days, probably because i don't swaddle her, but she will take little cat naps here and there. most of the time i put a blanket over her so she at least feels somewhat swaddled. but today she decided to stretch out on our bed and take a little nap.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

london today

mrs. wigglebottoms

london loves to move, so dave has dubbed her mrs. wigglebottoms. here are some video's of her doing her thing at 6 1/2 weeks.

Sunday, April 11, 2010

my favorite dress

for today at least...

5 weeks

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

1 month

london avery turned 1 month today! it's truly shocking how quickly 1 months flies by when you have an infant. it certainly doesn't feel like it's been 1 month.
we have all seemed to adjust quite well so far. having 3 has been much easier than i expected. possibly because london is such a good baby. she makes our job much easier! and so enjoyable!
we moved london into her own room and she does great in there. she still only gets up about once in the middle of the nite after taking her last bottle at around 10:30 or so. the most annoying part about her getting up is that once i feed her, she then wants to stay up for awhile and i don't! she typically gets up around 3 or 4 in the morning and then stays awake for about an hour after. sometimes it seems like she's asleep but shortly after putting her back in her crib, she wakes up and starts fussing. so i have to make sure she it TOTALLY out before putting her back in and heading back to bed myself. i guess i can't complain too much since she really does only get up about once a nite.
she sleeps really well during the day as well. although she does usually only go about 2 hours between feedings during the day. there was one day, our first day back to mops since she was born, that she didn't sleep ALL DAY. that was an annoying day. she only took a couple of little 5 minute cat naps throughout the day. and she didn't want to be put down. so that was a day that nothing really got accomplished around here!
london is a lot like talan in that she seems to sleep much better if she is swaddled. if she falls asleep in your arms and you lay her down, within a few minutes, limbs are flailing and she wakes herself up.
she has had some issues with gas and will cry quite a bit after her feedings. the mylecon drops seem to really work for her though and many times just laying her down on her back seems to help as well.
london seems to really like her baths. she'll just lay in the bath looking out the kitchen window. she doesn't necessarily like getting out of the bath though. she also seems to like being changed. if she is fussy and i go in to change her, she typically calms down. i guess she likes to be naked. oh great. she has been doing really well at tracking things most of the time and she is really strong...just like the boys were. she can hold her head up pretty straight for several seconds.
other than her gas issues, london is usually very good, quiet and calm. she's perfectly content to just be held and to fall asleep in your arms. i'm trying to enjoy that as much as possible as i know all too well how quickly that disappears.
we're so happy to have london as a part of our family and we look forward to seeing her personality grow as she does. we love you, london avery! happy 1 month!!!

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Friday, April 2, 2010

why yes, that is my daughter wearing a skirt

not to mention a little bit of pink as well....

today we joined jessica and justin at kellogg park for a picnic. london's first. it was supposed to be really warm out so i dressed her in a summery outfit only to find the weather to be a bit cool and very windy. i didn't take any picnic photo's but i did get proof of her wearing a skirt....and pink.